Monday, July 19, 2010

stuff I've been doin'


Hey, guys! This is what my desk looks like when I'm painting! It looks like one of those I Spy pictures because I'm pretty messy. Things to note:
  • That's a gouache painting of Eira and James that won't fit on my scanner.
  • My palette is an IKEA dinner plate, purchased at Goodwill for 99 cents.
  • I haven't bought a new desk calendar since last year. Still living in November 2009!
  • Can you spot a piece of the photo scrap leftover from this painting?
  • Yes, the lighting in my work space really is that bad :(
Also, I was getting annoyed at the blank wall behind the bed, so I made a clothespin hanger-thing from which I hung some CD inserts. I also spray-painted the clothespins blue, though it's hard to tell from my bad photo. Is the lighting this bad everywhere in the apartment? Answer: Probably.

bedroom decoration


  1. That's a really good idea with the cd inserts.

  2. Thanks! I still buy a lot of CDs because I like having the art/inserts but I figured they weren't doing much good sitting in boxes.

  3. Nice!!
    How do you pronounce "gouache"? Just saw an exhibit by Maira Kalman, who uses this a lot.

  4. Thank you! And it's pronounced "gwash" took me a really long time to learn how to spell it, actually, and I still mess it up sometimes.

    I just looked up Maira Kalman. I'm not familiar but it looks like she has some really neat stuff, love her use of text.

  5. Thanks! Check out her illustrated "Elements of Style." I think you'll like it. Keep up the good work!
