Monday, June 14, 2010

character talk

I've been doing some individual commissions lately and, thus, drawing other people's characters. It's funny because it's been quite a while since I've done that—it always makes me a combination of nervous/excited. I love the idea of bringing other writer's creations to life, but I get nervous about getting it right. It's challenging to create a character design that's really what the writer envisioned. That said, I've found working with other creative types has been quite inspiring , and has given me the itch to make more of my own stuff and draw more of my own characters.

The above is a peek at a WIP featuring a couple of them :)


  1. what on earth does mike have. it...kind of looks like a giiiiiiiant finger D: my vision is failing today

  2. lol it's the strap to a bag I haven't drawn yet XD but now I keep seeing a finger
