Tuesday, December 14, 2010


James ran across this picture on his google reader while I was looking for something to draw in my sketchbook. The result may be my favorite thing in the book so far:

I should probably give him a speech bubble, huh? Also, I've also been going to life drawing sessions at PNCA. And I did some smaller colored pencil pieces (20 or 25 minutes each) that actually fit on my scanner:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

social networking drag-down

So I'm taking a weekend illustration class with Ryan Bubnis (check out his site, his stuff is neat!). The first assignment was to illustrate this NPR broadcast about social networking sites and how dependent on them people have become. Mine pretty much wound up summing up my feelings on Facebook.

7x5, brush and ink and microns on bristol.

Friday, December 3, 2010